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Munsters ReAction Figures Wave 3

Eddie Munster, Marilyn Munster & Hot Rod Herman (Grayscale)
Set of 3 figures

Munsters ReAction Figures Wave 3

Eddie Munster, Marilyn Munster & Hot Rod Herman (Grayscale)
Set of 3 figures

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Munsters ReAction Figures Wave 3

Eddie Munster, Marilyn Munster & Hot Rod Herman (Grayscale)
Set of 3 figures

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The campy appeal of The Munsters may best be summed up by Herman’s assessment of one of Grandpa’s hair-brained schemes: “It’s childish, idiotic, and utterly fantastic!” Super7’s latest ReAction Figures of everyone’s favorite family from Mockingbird Lane includes Eddie, Marilyn, and the unforgettable Hot Rod Herman! Rendered in a grayscale inspired by the aesthetic of the classic ‘60s TV show, the colorful characters chosen for this wave of Munsters ReAction Figures are sure to brighten up any Munsters or classic ‘60s sitcom collection!

  • Details and Specs
    Weight (lbs) 0.6 lb
Munsters ReAction Figures Wave 2 - Herman Munster (Grayscale) Munsters ReAction Figures Wave 2 - Herman Munster (Grayscale)
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Munsters ReAction Figures Wave 2
Herman Munster (Grayscale)
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  • The Munsters ReAction Wave 3 - Eddie Munster, Marilyn Munster & Hot Rod Herman (Grayscale)

    Change your address to 1313 Mockingbird Lane!

    Herman, Lilly and the rest of the Munsters family are the kind of goofy vintage TV characters we love to turn into action figures! Super7's Munsters ReAction figures will make a frightfully delightful addition to any vintage TV collection!

    View The Munsters
Sesame Street ReAction Figures Wave 02 - Oscar The Grouch Sesame Street ReAction Figures Wave 02 - Oscar The Grouch
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Oscar the Grouch
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Martian (Invasion Begins)
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Super Grover
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Frosty The Snowman ReAction Figures
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Sesame Street ReAction Figures Wave 3
Big Bird
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  • The Munsters ReAction Wave 3 - Eddie Munster, Marilyn Munster & Hot Rod Herman (Grayscale)

    Recapture the action figure adventure you remember!

    Super7's ReAction figures bring back one of the basic pleasures we remember so fondly: when simple, hand-held action figures unlocked a universe of adventure. No matter whether you're into sports, music, movies, tv, or toys, Super7 has ReAction figures that are sure to rekindle your sense of nostalgia.

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