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G.I. Joe Wave 4 ReAction Figures

G.I. Joe Wave 4 ReAction Figures

G.I. Joe fans who particularly enjoyed The M.A.S.S. Device, The Revenge of Cobra, Pyramid of Darkness, and Arise Serpentor Arise animated miniseries are definitely going to appreciate the newest wave of ReAction Figures! Super7’s latest additions to the G.I. Joe ReAction Figure lineup include fan faves Shipwreck, Zartan, Cover Girl, and the Cobra B.A.T., new versions of Cobra Commander and Snake Eyes, and a variety of camo-clad G.I. Joe Troopers and female Cobra Troopers!

Like a class of new recruits, this wave will pump your G.I. Joe collection full of energy and excitement! Check out the Super7 G.I. Joe Collection HERE.

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G.I. Joe ReAction Wave 4 - Trooper Goggles (Brown) G.I. Joe ReAction Wave 4 - Trooper Goggles (Brown)
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G.I. Joe ReAction Figure Wave 4
Trooper Goggles (Brown)
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