Super7 Retail Stores Reopening
The Super7 stores in San Francisco and San Diego are reopening! We are reopening our retail stores in California for curbside pick-up tomorrow (Friday, May 22nd)!
Super7 San Francisco: Please contact us by e-mail at SFstore@super7.com or call (415) 374-7190 to place your orders. Temporary Store hours 12-5pm everyday. Follow Super7 S.F. on Instagram: @super7store_16thst
Super7 San Diego: Please contact us by e-mail at SDstore@super7.com or call (619) 339-2642 to place your orders. Temporary Store hours 12-5pm everyday. Follow Super7 San Diego on Instagram: @super7sandiego
Please have a look on Super7.com to see what’s available or contact a store with any inquiries.
Our store staff will be following all safety precautions as outlined by their respective City and County. Please protect yourselves as well by wearing masks during curbside pick up.
Thank you for supporting Super7!