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Super7 Welcomes The Lost Boys to the ReAction Figures World

Super7 Welcomes The Lost Boys to the ReAction Figures World

Long before they sparkled or were interviewed, there was one movie that transformed the whole idea of vampires from old Dracula-like monsters, to younger and mysteriously attractive creatures of the night: The Lost Boys.

David, the leader of these genre-changing vampires, has joined the 3.75” ReAction lineup with a pair of figures! With both allegedly-human David with his Chinese food takeout, and nope-definitely-a-vampire David packaged on an upside-down cardback, you can start your own coven of 1980s-cool vampires! 

The Lost Boys taught us to never invite a vampire into our house, but this might be the one time you should make an exception!

Visit the Super7 Movies & Television collection HERE!