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Super7 x Aliens ReAction Figures

Super7 x Aliens ReAction Figures

Aliens, one of the greatest sequels ever and also one of Super7's favorite movies! Return to LV-426 as Aliens lands in the Super7 ReAction Figures world with the human heroes of the movie:

  • Bishop - "I may be synthetic, but I'm not stupid." Bischop, the synthetic Executive Officer of the Sulaco, comes with pull apart attack damage.
  • Hicks - "It's game time." Hicks, the battle-hardened Squad Leader of the Colonial Marines, comes with removable helmet and armed with his shotgun that he likes to keep handy... for close encounters.
  • Hudson - "Game over, man!! GAME OVER!" Hudson, the smart ass Private of the Colonial Marines, comes with removable helmet and armed with a Pulse Rifle. 
  • Newt - "My mommy always said there were no monsters... No real ones... but there are..." Newt, the sole survivor of the Hadley's Hope colony, comes with her doll Casey's head. Newt stands 3.5" tall.
  • Ripley - "Get away from her, you bitch!" Ripley, the civilian advisor to the Colonial Marines on their mission to LV-426, comes armed with a Pulse Rifle.
  • Vaquez - "LET'S ROCK!!" Vasquez, the badass Colonial Marine, comes armed with her badass Smartgun.

The human heroes join the Xenomorph Warrior ReAction Figures so you can recreate your favorite scenes! "Game over, man!! GAME OVER!" Join the Aliens heroes at: